Monday, November 26, 2007

Week 4: #8 Make life "really simple" with RSS and a newsreader

This was my favorite segment so far. I had wondered about what the small symbol on some websites represented. The demos were easy to follow, and made me curious. If RSS feeds are so easy to set up, why had I not heard about them before? So, I set up my bloglines account and chose feeds specifically about dogs, book reviews and politics and waited to see the results. Amazingly, the first feed that listed was about an issue I've been having with my older dog. I found out that an ailment was caused by a med he had been prescribed. He's now on different medication.

Several book review feeds came along but were of little value to me because I work with children, and all of the reviews were adult material. I got a kick out of the political feeds because they were updated frequently and I got to see which presidential candidate got to put their foot in his/her mouth on a daily basis.

I think searching out feeds could turn into an addiction. Sample here, try there, it's a lot of fun but very time-consuming.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 3: #7 Photo Editing Tools

For this post I edited a photo taken by a family member, using Snipshot. I cropped it, grayscaled it (made it black and white), sharpened the picture, upped the contrast and finally lightened it slightly so that more of the detail showed. This is the Monasterio de San Jerónimo in Lisbon, Portugal.
I think I like the original better.